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7 Things to Consider Before Getting a Pet

hamsterGetting a pet can be very exciting, whether it is your first time or you are adding to the list of your pets. This means another living being is moving in with you in your home. Since you are welcoming a new life in your home, it is pertinent to find out if you are ready for this important step or not.

Potential pet owners pay little or no attention to some factors when it comes to getting a pet. This can make keeping a pet look harder than it seems. However, getting and keeping an animal can be a whole lot easier than you think. Here’s what you should know:

1. Training
Behavioral and obedience training and other forms of training are necessary for pets, especially if you are getting a dog. You wouldn't want them to mess up your rug or floor. You should also teach them how to use a potty. Doing these tasks requires a large amount of time and effort.  
Dogs, for instance, require behavioral training to prevent them from tampering with your belongings and leaving a mess in your house. However, excessive training for pets such as rabbits, birds, or hamsters is not required.
2. Lifestyle
If you are considering choosing a pet due to its cuteness, then you may be making one of the worst pet-keeping decisions. At times, pets end up in animal shelters because people get tired of them. First, understand the breed you're going for, and don't hesitate to change it should it not
fit into your ability to handle its temperament. If you know that you need an animal to protect your house, german shepherd and rottweiler are the best options.
However, these cuties have no tolerance for children. They are popular for not being friendly and often bite children at the slightest provocation. If you’re considering getting a cat, you may need to pay more attention to these furry creatures and interact with them. Other cats may not
require attention if they know how to entertain themselves. Therefore, choose a pet carefully.  
3. Temperament
Just like humans with different personalities, animals are also not the same. You should understand the temperament of a new friend you are about to bring home. For instance, dogs are believed to be friendly, and at the same time, not all of them are. Hence, you should prioritize maintaining a safe environment not only for your family but also for the pet.  
You may only consider bringing in a problematic pet under your roof if only you are an experienced pet behavioral trainer. Note that not all pets exhibit wild behavior from the start, but can develop it as time goes on. Be patient and advise a specialist. You can do it online on different forums or get contacts of good professionals on Leadar.  
4. Make Your Home Pet-Friendly

How much do you know about different pets? Are you aware that common chewing gum and ibuprofen can be dangerous to them? This is why you must thoroughly ensure you’re welcoming your new pets into a very safe environment. Check out for any hazards that may be lingering
around your home. Inspect your floor, carpet, tabletops, and other places your potential pets can access.  
Look around and see if you have any toxic plants that can be harmful to an animal. Ensure to discard any other harmful items such as sugar-free gum, which often contains xylitol, as it is toxic to most animals.
5. Cleanliness

Although pets are referred to as domesticated, they require more training when it comes to their cleanliness and hygiene. You cannot deny the fact that pets can track mud on your clean tiles or rugs. Other unclean habits they can exhibit include bringing home ticks or flies. Pets can
sometimes relieve themselves in your home, including your bed and other reserved areas.  
Naturally, dogs and cats will at a point shed their furs. These pets may often leave these furs on the furniture or somewhere else in your home. The best way to handle this could be by investing in one of the best vacuums. Other pet cleaning supplies will also help you to keep your home clean. If you’re considering keeping pets like rabbits or hamsters, clean their cages as often as possible.  
6. Restrictions
Understandably, you love pets, but you may be violating some rules and regulations if you live in a neighborhood where there are legal restrictions on pets. Some apartments may not allow you to keep any animals, especially when it comes to certain dog breeds, such as the popular American pit bull, not to mention exotic animals like snakes, tigers, or reptiles.  
You may also be restricted from keeping certain types of pets in your household due to health reasons. For instance, if someone in your family has asthma or is allergic to fur, then, unfortunately, getting an animal is a bad idea.
7. Cost
Finally, the last thing you should consider before taking a pet is the cost. You may have to spend a lot of money when it comes to caring for your pet. Indeed, this may even cost you hundreds of dollars annually.  
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) even predicted that owning and caring for your pet requires up to $2,000 in the first year. You may need to spend up to $500 or more to settle adoption fees. After this, you should buy food provisions, treats, bedding, medical, and other things that will make the pet’s life better.  

Having an animal in your home can be exciting for you and your family. Many advantages come with keeping a pet: it is fun, prestigious (if you have a shepherd, for example), and entertaining. However, you should also consider the responsibilities involved before you bring animals into your home. Make sure you carry out thorough research to know if getting a pet aligns with your goals before making the final decision. Remember that animals are people’s friends, and if you consider getting a pet just for fun, forget about it.

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